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Nearly 30 billion yuan! The "C position" in the core area of the Yangtze River Delta welcomes the first wave of enthusiasm in 2020


On April 8th, the Nantong Tongzhou Bay Demonstration Zone, which is currently under construction as the "main battlefield" of Jiangsu's new estuary, held the 2020 Spring Investment Promotion Conference, showcasing the local good regional advantages, industrial positioning, development trends, and business environment in a comprehensive and wide-ranging manner. 28 projects were signed on-site at the conference, with a total investment of nearly 30 billion yuan, sparking a new wave of investment attraction in Tongzhou Bay.

The Tongzhou Bay Demonstration Zone, which started development and construction in 2012, is located on the north wing of the Yangtze River estuary, with a sea and land area of 585 square kilometers. It is a rare deep-water port area along the coast of Jiangsu that can be built. In 2019, the planning and construction of a new port for Yangtze River container transportation in Nantong Tongzhou Bay was included in the Outline of the Yangtze River Delta Regional Integration Development Plan.


New Wave, Jointly Creating New Seaports

At the beginning of 2020, the Nantong Municipal Party Committee and Government established the Tongzhou Bay Port Development and Construction Committee, which included Tongzhou Bay, Rudong Yangkou Port, Haimen Port, and Qidong Lvsi Port along the Nantong coastline in integrated development and construction. With the "Great Tongzhou Bay" thinking, they coordinated and promoted the construction of Tongzhou Bay, jointly creating a new port for Jiangsu.

The current Tongzhou Bay has entered an important strategic opportunity period of rapid development, truly growing into a new national strategic highland, a new channel for Jiangsu to go out to sea, and a new future for the development of Nantong. Located in a rapidly developing new trend, Tongzhou Bay will undoubtedly become a wonderful stage for talents from all walks of life to showcase their talents and realize their dreams. They take "creating a first-class business environment" as their goal, and firmly provide a first-class policy environment, market environment, approval environment, and service environment for enterprises.

Xu Changxin, a counselor to the Jiangsu Provincial Government and professor at Hohai University, believes that the construction of the "Datongzhou Bay" should focus on the development of the port and port industry, with the expansion of reform and opening up as the breakthrough point, and institutional innovation as the driving force. It should fully participate in the three national strategies, accept the radiation from Shanghai and southern Jiangsu, integrate river and sea resources, and make every effort to create the first platform to undertake the gradient transfer of Shanghai and international industries and capital, and build a distinctive industrial characteristic A modern manufacturing base with beautiful living environment.


New Wave, Jointly Creating New Seaports

At the beginning of 2020, the Nantong Municipal Party Committee and Government established the Tongzhou Bay Port Development and Construction Committee, which included Tongzhou Bay, Rudong Yangkou Port, Haimen Port, and Qidong Lvsi Port along the Nantong coastline in integrated development and construction. With the "Great Tongzhou Bay" thinking, they coordinated and promoted the construction of Tongzhou Bay, jointly creating a new port for Jiangsu.

The current Tongzhou Bay has entered an important strategic opportunity period of rapid development, truly growing into a new national strategic highland, a new channel for Jiangsu to go out to sea, and a new future for the development of Nantong. Located in a rapidly developing new trend, Tongzhou Bay will undoubtedly become a wonderful stage for talents from all walks of life to showcase their talents and realize their dreams. They take "creating a first-class business environment" as their goal, and firmly provide a first-class policy environment, market environment, approval environment, and service environment for enterprises.

Xu Changxin, a counselor to the Jiangsu Provincial Government and professor at Hohai University, believes that the construction of the "Datongzhou Bay" should focus on the development of the port and port industry, with the expansion of reform and opening up as the breakthrough point, and institutional innovation as the driving force. It should fully participate in the three national strategies, accept the radiation from Shanghai and southern Jiangsu, integrate river and sea resources, and make every effort to create the first platform to undertake the gradient transfer of Shanghai and international industries and capital, and build a distinctive industrial characteristic A modern manufacturing base with beautiful living environment.


The Tongzhou Bay Demonstration Zone is located on the north wing of the Yangtze River estuary and in the eastern part of Jiangsu Province, with unique geographical and transportation advantages. It is situated at the intersection of the "T" shaped economic belt along the Yangtze River in China, adjacent to southern Jiangsu and Shanghai. With the completion of the Sutong Bridge and Chongqi Bridge, the Shanghai Tongzhou Railway Bridge was officially opened in July this year, and Tongzhou Bay has fully integrated into the Shanghai one hour metropolitan area.

In recent years, with the overlapping of multiple national strategies, Tongzhou Bay has fully entered a golden opportunity period of leapfrog development.

In the overall layout of the "the Belt and Road", Tongzhou Bay can become an important node of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road relying on superior port resources. Through Sanyo Railway and Xinchang Railway, Tongzhou Bay is fully connected to the Silk Road Economic Belt, becoming a new sea port serving the central and western regions, and continuing to amplify the intersection effect of the "the Belt and Road". The Opinions of Jiangsu Province on Promoting the Construction of the the Belt and Road Intersection in High Quality clearly requires that "vigorously promote the construction of Tongzhou Bay Port Area, and accelerate the construction of channels, docks, and collection and distribution systems".


In the development strategy of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, Tongzhou Bay is an important sea outlet to alleviate the increasing pressure of Yangtze River transportation capacity demand, and a key platform to carry out the transformation and upgrading of large-scale port industries along the Yangtze River. In September 2014, the State Council issued the Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt by Relying on the Golden Waterway, which clearly stated "accelerating the coordinated development of the Yangtze River and the sea in Tongzhou Bay".

In the integrated development strategy of the Yangtze River Delta, Tongzhou Bay is one of the most competitive development platforms in the core area of the Yangtze River Delta and the surrounding areas of Shanghai. It is an important component of the Yangtze River Delta port group, and will have the conditions to prioritize carrying industrial spillovers and economic radiation from developed areas such as Shanghai and southern Jiangsu, and serve as the northern support of Shanghai International Shipping Center.

Currently, Jiangsu Province is coordinating and promoting the strategic transfer of industries along the Yangtze River and the layout of coastal industries. As the region closest to Shanghai, with the best intermodal transportation conditions and economic foundation, Tongzhou Bay is an important carrier for the new round of productivity layout adjustment and a key node for Jiangsu's coastal development.

New positioning, "C position" in the core area of the Yangtze River Delta

The construction of the new estuary of Tongzhou Bay is of utmost importance for the current and future development of Nantong. Since the beginning of this year, Nantong City has comprehensively strengthened overall planning and organizational promotion, integrating and planning the operation areas along Haiyangkou Port, Tongzhou Bay, Haimen Port, and Lusi Port into the Datongzhou Bay Port Area. With Lusi Port Operation Area as the starting port area and Tongzhou Bay Operation Area as the main port area, a pattern of city level coordination and joint efforts of various sectors has been constructed, making Tongzhou Bay an important emerging port hub and industrial carrier platform in the core area of the Yangtze River Delta.

Relying on the Xiaomiaohong Channel with a capacity of 100000 tons, the Wangcanghong Channel with a capacity of 200000 tons, and the Lengjiasha Channel with a capacity of 300000 tons, the Tongzhou Bay Area can construct more than 200 berths of various grades and types, fully meeting the needs of various industrial development and logistics trade development.


The four high-speed connecting lines of Haiqi, Tongyang, Ningqi, and Tongzhou Bay Expressway connect Shanghai to the south, Subei to the north, and Nantong to the west, forming a convenient highway network. The Yanglu Railway and the Shugang Railway form the Shugang Railway Line that runs through Tongzhou Bay. The third level dredging channel of Xinjianghai River Tonglu Canal connects to Tonghai Port Area, and the Tongtong Line Tonggan Line connects to Jiuwei Port Area. With one transfer, it can directly reach the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River and enter the national waterway network from the sea. The planned Nantong New Airport and the North Yangtze River High Speed Railway Hub are only over 20 kilometers away from Tongzhou Bay and can be directly reached through highways.

Tongzhou Bay is only 130 kilometers offshore from the main waterway of the Yangtze River, equivalent to Yangshan Port. It is an important northern wing support of Shanghai International Shipping Center, which can meet the berthing needs of large-scale ships and undertake non core transportation functions of Shanghai Port. Through the river sea intermodal transportation method, Tongzhou Bay, as a new sea outlet, can further expand the feeding function of ports along the Yangtze River such as Tonghai Port and Taicang Port, and alleviate the pressure on Yangtze River transportation capacity. Through rail water intermodal transportation, Tongzhou Bay can better serve the industrial development of the central and northern Jiangsu regions, effectively reduce transportation costs, and enhance market competitiveness.

In order to implement the requirements for the construction of new seaports and in accordance with the "Greater Tongzhou Bay" thinking, the development positioning of Tongzhou Bay has been further deepened and clarified. We will make every effort to build a "new base for green materials in China, a new fulcrum for intermodal transportation and trade in the Yangtze River Economic Belt, a new highland for high-quality development strategy layout in the northern wing of the Yangtze River Delta, and a new main force for industrial growth in Nantong City.".



